Professional recording studio in Memphis since 1967

Recording a full length album, single, or just one instrument? You will need mics, preamps, EQ, etc. Make it professional with us.
Let our trained ears help make sure your songs sound the way you want. We have the gear and the experience to get it done.
Already recorded your tracks or guitar/bass direct signal? Process your tracks with our gear and amps for that big analog sound.
American Recording resides in a building that was designed and built from the ground up to be a recording studio. It has a history that dates back to 1967 when it was named American East and was a part of the American Recording Group. It was recently rewired with Accusound cabling and equipped with world class analog recording gear. The echo chambers, floated floors, acoustic design, gear, and history set American Recording Studio apart from other studios.

Recording Studio in Memphis

Recording Studio in Memphis